I Visa And Documents Services - Delivery & Return Policy

I Visa And Documents Services is committed to providing efficient and professional support throughout your visa and document application process. This policy outlines our delivery timelines and returns procedures for the services we offer.

Delivery of Services

  • Unlike tangible goods, the "delivery" of our services refers to the successful completion of your requested visa or document application.
  • Following the submission of all necessary documents and information, our experienced team will work diligently to process your application according to the chosen service package.
  • Delivery timelines are subject to the complexity of your application and the processing times of the relevant government agencies. An estimated timeframe will be provided during your initial consultation.
  • We prioritise clear communication and will keep you updated on the progress of your application, notifying you of any potential delays.

Returns (Service Refunds)

  • Due to the inherent nature of our services, completed applications cannot be returned or refunded once submitted to the designated government agency.
  • Visa and document processing involve non-refundable government fees. Our service fee reflects the time and expertise invested in ensuring your application adheres to specific requirements and maximises the chance of approval.

Addressing Concerns

  • We are dedicated to exceeding your expectations. If you have any concerns about the service provided, we encourage you to contact us at your earliest convenience.
  • Our team is committed to resolving any issues promptly and professionally.
  • In the unlikely event of an error on our part during application preparation, we will take all necessary steps to rectify the situation free of charge.

Contact Us

For any further inquiries regarding our Delivery & Return Policy, please don"t hesitate to contact us.

We appreciate your understanding and look forward to assisting you with your visa and document needs.